Α ΤΑΧΙ guarantees an important number of impressions with a relevant small number of vehicle selection making it thus an extremely competitive advertising medium.

It offers greater dispersion since it moves 24 hours a day all over the city and it is one of the basic means of transport.

It’s ideal for launching new products and/or maintaining existing campaigns and promotional activities because it’s a mobile two-faced advertising board. The placement of different art work in each façade does not affect the cost while it creates added value. Furthermore, the TAXI moves in and out of the trade centre multiple times compared to any other transportation means.

“Follow Me City” service of INTERNEED offers our clients the possibility to use the TAXI as a fixed advertising board at a specific location of business interest. Decades of experience and a long list of satisfied clients guarantees

INTERNEED offers the possibility of immediate change of the creative work so that our clients can make adjustments and modifications at any given time. The exterior space of our TAXIs will trigger your creativity…

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